Actuarial Provider Search and Renewal Consulting

Curcio Webb assists our clients with their retirement plan consultant and actuarial relationships in several ways:

  • Searching for a new actuary or retirement consultant.
  • Renewing consulting service agreements, while ensuring clients receive competitive contract and financial terms, meaningful performance standards, and appropriate service scope.
  • Assisting with services consolidation.
  • Assessing the current service agreement to help employers determine the value of conducting a search vs. renewing with their existing consultant.

Many of our actuarial search clients have used the same actuary for years – sometimes decades. In many cases, the actuary knows more about the pension plan than any internal employee. Because the relationship is often so long-lasting, you want to choose the right actuary or retirement consultant from the beginning. You also want to have clarity about what’s included in the scope of services, something that can get lost over time.

We infuse a fresh perspective into your actuarial services, helping to:

  • Negotiate what is included and expected in the scope of services.
  • Minimize out-of-scope charges and eliminate surprise billing.
  • Improve plan governance and reduce fiduciary risk.

Traditional Actuarial Consulting Services

Curcio Webb’s actuaries have decades of experience in helping clients strategically manage their retirement programs. From routine IRS/DOL/PBGC compliance, to complex benefit calculation issues, to sophisticated plan settlement projects, we have creative professionals with the tools and experience to provide leading edge solutions for all types of retirement plans.

Although our actuaries have experience working on jumbo size pension plans having been previously employed by global consulting firms, we limit our traditional actuarial consulting services to smaller plans (typically less than 5,000 active participants). Our focus on smaller plans means we avoid competing with the larger consulting firms that service large plans. This allows us to retain our independence and objectivity when helping large plan sponsors choose their actuarial consultant.

Specialized Actuarial Services

Over the years we have developed specific experience in the following areas, having completed many successful projects for large organizations including Fortune 500 companies:

  • DC plan compliance audit and error resolution.
  • Missing participant consulting.
  • DB plan data and data processes audit.
  • DB plan benefit calculations audit.
  • Complex profit-sharing allocations.